We love hosting events at our world class facility, Jungle Gym, located in Pinellas Park, FL.
See below to view our upcoming events.

World Ninja League Competition
We are excited to announce our upcoming WNL (World Ninja League) Competitions.
We will be hosting 2 Double Headers - January 4th and 5th as well as March 29th and 30th, (Each day must be registered for separately)
January 4th and March 29th will be Flow Course formats.
January 5th and March 30th will be Challenge Course formats. We will also be hosting Ninja Church at 10am on these dates.
Flow Courses are one of ninja’s two course style competitions. Ninja courses are a series of obstacles placed together with landing platforms in between. Athletes must make their way through the obstacles from landing platform to landing platform without touching anything considered out of bounds! Course designers create courses for competitions and will typically design their course based on the age and skill level of the athletes that are competing!
Challenge Courses are the newest ninja competition format! This is a twist on the Flow Course format. Athletes get multiple attempts throughout their course run to figure out spots where they have fallen.
Athletes are allowed to retry two obstacles per Challenge Course. However, athletes may only retry a failed obstacle one time. The athlete must complete the failed obstacle on their subsequent attempt in order to progress through the course. Once the athlete has used up their 2 retries or fails a retry attempt, the run is over.
Ninja Church is open to everyone and a great way to worship and fellowship with other ninjas.
Kids are 6-8
Mature Kids are 9-10
Preteens are 11-12
Teens are 13-14
Young Adults are 15-17
Masters are 40+
Click the Registration Links for more information.
March 29th Flow Course Registration WNL Competition
March 30th Challenge Course Registration WNL Competition
If you are not familiar with WNL (World Ninja League), you can find out more information, including other competitions in Florida and around the world at http://www.worldninjaleague.org
If you have competed in the past, please be sure to sign your WNL waiver for this season. http://www.worldninjaleague.org/waiver
If you have not competed in WNL before, you will need a NinjaWorks Athlete ID. NinjaWorks
A week of Ninja Training, Team Building, Character Building, Games, Parkour and a ton of fun! Campers will be separated by age. Students may be moved to another age group depending on their skill, maturity level and ability to interact with other students. We reserve the right to send kids home who will not listen to coaches or get along with other students. If your student has trouble listening or respecting others, Jungle Gym camp probably won’t be a good fit for them.
OVERVIEW: Jungle Gym Camp is designed to give your kid a great time as they engage in Ninja Warrior training, Nerf Wars, Capture the Flag, Team Building, Character building and more. Our coaches will train your students in the art of overcoming obstacles and working together to accomplish group goals. Jungle Gym trains and enforces Honoring each other. Jungle Gym Camp focuses on Jungle Gym’s 5 main qualities: Honor, Integrity, Responsibility, Perseverance, and Courage Each Trait will include a practical application as well as feature both modern-day and historical role models and stories. While this is not an explicitly Christian-based component, please note that both Biblical principles and Biblical historical figures will be incorporated.
Drop off between 8:30-9a /pick up promptly 3-3:30p
Lunch/Snacks please pack a nutritious lunch for your ninja. As the training is rigorous, NO Soda, Sugary Beverages or Candy is admitted into Jungle Gym. Purified water is available for water bottle refill.
3 weeks for Members: $750 3 weeks for Non-Members: $875
There is no sibling discount for camp.
Cancelation/Refund Policy: Cancellations must be made up to one week out of your selected camp date in order to receive a full refund. A 50% refund can be issued if you cancel within the week prior. No refunds or credits will be given cancelling the day of. No refunds if you child is sent home due to poor behavior in camp.

A week of Ninja Training, Team Building, Character Building, Games, Parkour and a ton of fun! Campers will be separated by age.
Students may be moved to another age group depending on their skill, maturity level and ability to interact with other students. We reserve the right to send kids home who will not listen to coaches or get along with other students. If your student has trouble listening or respecting others, Jungle Gym camp probably won’t be a good fit for them.
OVERVIEW: Jungle Gym Camp is designed to give your kid a great time as they engage in Ninja Warrior training, Nerf Wars, Capture the Flag, Team Building, Character building and more. Our coaches will train your students in the art of overcoming obstacles and working together to accomplish group goals. Jungle Gym trains and enforces Honoring each other. Jungle Gym Camp focuses on Jungle Gym’s 5 main qualities: Honor, Integrity, Responsibility, Perseverance, and Courage Each Trait will include a practical application as well as feature both modern-day and historical role models and stories. While this is not an explicitly Christian-based component, please note that both Biblical principles and Biblical historical figures will be incorporated.
Drop off between 8:30-9a /pick up promptly 3-3:30p Lunch/Snacks Please pack a nutritious lunch for your ninja. As the training is rigorous, NO Soda, Sugary Beverages or Candy is admitted into Jungle Gym. Purified water is available for water bottle refill. There are no refunds for camp.
Cancelation/Refund Policy: Cancellations must be made up to one week out of your selected camp date in order to receive a full refund. A 50% refund can be issued if you cancel within the week prior. No refunds or credits will be given cancelling the day of. Camp is strictly for ages 6-13, Kids under age 6 that sign up without coach approval will be sent home without refund.
Members $275 Non-Members $325
There is no sibling discount for camp.

World Ninja League Competition
We are excited to announce our upcoming WNL (World Ninja League) Competitions.
We will be hosting 2 Double Headers - January 4th and 5th as well as March 29th and 30th, (Each day must be registered for separately)
January 4th and March 29th will be Flow Course formats.
January 5th and March 30th will be Challenge Course formats. We will also be hosting Ninja Church at 10am on these dates.
Flow Courses are one of ninja’s two course style competitions. Ninja courses are a series of obstacles placed together with landing platforms in between. Athletes must make their way through the obstacles from landing platform to landing platform without touching anything considered out of bounds! Course designers create courses for competitions and will typically design their course based on the age and skill level of the athletes that are competing!
Challenge Courses are the newest ninja competition format! This is a twist on the Flow Course format. Athletes get multiple attempts throughout their course run to figure out spots where they have fallen.
Athletes are allowed to retry two obstacles per Challenge Course. However, athletes may only retry a failed obstacle one time. The athlete must complete the failed obstacle on their subsequent attempt in order to progress through the course. Once the athlete has used up their 2 retries or fails a retry attempt, the run is over.
Ninja Church is open to everyone and a great way to worship and fellowship with other ninjas.
Kids are 6-8
Mature Kids are 9-10
Preteens are 11-12
Teens are 13-14
Young Adults are 15-17
Masters are 40+
Click the Registration Links for more information.
January 4th Flow Course Registration WNL Competition
January 5th Challenge Course Registration WNL Competition
March 29th Flow Course Registration WNL Competition
March 30th Challenge Course Registration WNL Competition
If you are not familiar with WNL (World Ninja League), you can find out more information, including other competitions in Florida and around the world at http://www.worldninjaleague.org
If you have competed in the past, please be sure to sign your WNL waiver for this season. http://www.worldninjaleague.org/waiver
If you have not competed in WNL before, you will need a NinjaWorks Athlete ID. NinjaWorks

Thanksgiving Camp 1 Day Drop-ins
A full day of Ninja Training, Team Building, Character Building, Games, Parkour and a ton of fun.
Ages 6-13 $70/day.
Campers will be separated by ages 6-8 and 9-13.
We reserve the right to send kids home who will not listen to coaches or get along with other students. If your student has trouble listening or respecting others, Jungle Gym camp probably won’t be a good fit for them. OVERVIEW: Jungle Gym Camp is designed to give your kid a great time as they engage in Ninja Warrior training, Nerf Wars, Capture the Flag, Team Building, Character building and more. Our coaches will train your students in the art of overcoming obstacles and working together to accomplish group goals.
Jungle Gym trains and enforces Honoring each other. Jungle Gym Camp focuses on Jungle Gym’s 5 main qualities: Honor, Integrity, Responsibility, Perseverance, and Courage Each Trait will include a practical application as well as feature both modern-day and historical role models and stories. While this is not an explicitly Christian-based component, please note that both Biblical principles and Biblical historical figures will be incorporated.
Drop off between 8:30-9a /pick up promptly before 3:30p. Lunch/Snacks Please pack a nutritious lunch for your ninja. As the training is rigorous, NO Soda, Sugary Beverages or Candy is admitted into Jungle Gym. Purified water is available for water bottle refill.
There are no refunds for camp.

Safari Games
This is a fun competition catered specifically to students with physical or developmental disabilities. Be prepared for lots of encouragement, cheering, support and fun. Check in times will be determined by ability. We will email specific check-in times the week of the competition. Regardless of check in times, competitors are welcome to attend the entire event. Each competitor receives 2 spectator passes. Additional spectators are $5 each. Contact us at SafariGamesFL@gmail.com with more questions or to sponsor an athlete, provide additional prizes or inquire about volunteering opportunities.

Summer Camp 2024
A week of Ninja Training, Team Building, Character Building, Games, Parkour and a ton of fun! Campers will be separated by age. Students may be moved to another age group depending on their skill, maturity level and ability to interact with other students. We reserve the right to send kids home who will not listen to coaches or get along with other students. If your student has trouble listening or respecting others, Jungle Gym camp probably won’t be a good fit for them.
OVERVIEW: Jungle Gym Camp is designed to give your kid a great time as they engage in Ninja Warrior training, Nerf Wars, Capture the Flag, Team Building, Character building and more. Our coaches will train your students in the art of overcoming obstacles and working together to accomplish group goals. Jungle Gym trains and enforces Honoring each other. Jungle Gym Camp focuses on Jungle Gym’s 5 main qualities: Honor, Integrity, Responsibility, Perseverance, and Courage Each Trait will include a practical application as well as feature both modern-day and historical role models and stories. While this is not an explicitly Christian-based component, please note that both Biblical principles and Biblical historical figures will be incorporated.
Drop off between 8:30-9a /pick up promptly before 3p Lunch/Snacks Please pack a nutritious lunch and 2 snacks for your ninja. As the training is rigorous, NO Soda, Sugary Beverages or Candy is admitted into Jungle Gym. Purified water is available for water bottle refill. There are no refunds for camp.
Members $275 Non-Members $325
3 weeks or more: $750/Members and $875 Non-Members
Contact us to set up 3 or more weeks. There is no sibling discount for camp. Cancelation/Refund Policy: Cancellations must be made up to one week out of your selected camp date in order to receive a full refund. A 50% refund can be issued if you cancel within the week prior. No refunds or credits will be given canceling the day of.

Self Defense Workshop
Learn techniques for defending yourself from an attacker.
Taught by Joe Battle - an expert in Krav Maga and owner of Tampa Bay Krav Maga. Starting with a background in wrestling and Judo, Joe has added 14 years of Krav Maga training to become a self-defense expert. Krav Maga training has one goal in mind - getting out of a hairy situation alive! For a practitioner, whether you made someone laugh, ran away or incapacitated your attacker, if you got away unscathed - you did it correctly. Ages 14+ (unless partnered with a parent, please contact us for details.)
May 25
11a-1p $30

Spring Break Camp
A week of Ninja Training, Team Building, Character Building, Games, Parkour and a ton of fun! Campers will be separated by age. Students may be moved to another age group depending on their skill, maturity level and ability to interact with other students. We reserve the right to send kids home who will not listen to coaches or get along with other students. If your student has trouble listening or respecting others, Jungle Gym camp probably won’t be a good fit for them. OVERVIEW: Jungle Gym Camp is designed to give your kid a great time as they engage in Ninja Warrior training, Nerf Wars, Capture the Flag, Team Building, Character building and more.
Our coaches will train your students in the art of overcoming obstacles and working together to accomplish group goals. Jungle Gym trains and enforces Honoring each other. Jungle Gym Camp focuses on Jungle Gym’s 5 main qualities: Honor, Integrity, Responsibility, Perseverance, and Courage Each Trait will include a practical application as well as feature both modern-day and historical role models and stories. While this is not an explicitly Christian-based component, please note that both Biblical principles and Biblical historical figures will be incorporated. Drop off between 8:30-9a /pick up promptly before 3p Lunch/Snacks Please pack a nutritious lunch for your ninja. As the training is rigorous, NO Soda, Sugary Beverages or Candy is admitted into Jungle Gym. Purified water is available for water bottle refill. There are no refunds for camp.
Members $275 Non-Members $325
There is no sibling discount for camp. Cancelation/Refund Policy: Cancellations must be made up to one week out of your selected camp date in order to receive a full refund. A 50% refund can be issued if you cancel within the week prior. No refunds or credits will be given cancelling the day of.

WNL Ninja Competition
Kids Compete November 18
Adults Compete November 19
Come make new friends, try epic obstacles, enjoy face-painting and food trucks, win awesome prizes, and more!

Safari Games
This is a fun competition catered specifically to students with physical or developmental disabilities. Be prepared for lots of encouragement, cheering, support and fun. Check in times will be determined by ability. We will email specific check-in times the week of the competition. Regardless of check in times, competitors are welcome to attend the entire event. Each competitor receives 2 spectator passes.
Additional spectators are $5 each. Contact us at SafariGamesFL@gmail.com with more questions or to sponsor an athlete, provide additional prizes or inquire about volunteering opportunities.

Adult NoPro Ninja Competition
Ninja Warrior Competition
This comp is for Amateurs and Masters only. There will be no 10' flying bar obstacles or Mega Wall.
Beginner Amateur is for people competing for 1st-5th Ninja comp.
Advanced Amateur is for those who have competed, but have never won money in a Pro division.
Masters is for athletes age 40+
Everyone will run on at least 2 courses. You will be awarded points for every obstacle completed within the time limit- if you fail an obstacle, you can still score points on the next one.

Summer Camp
A week of Ninja Training, Team Building, Character Building, Games, Parkour and a ton of fun!
Campers will be separated by age. Students may be moved to another age group depending on their skill, maturity level and ability to interact with other students. We reserve the right to send kids home who will not listen to coaches or get along with other students. If your student has trouble listening or respecting others, Jungle Gym camp probably won’t be a good fit for them.
OVERVIEW: Jungle Gym Camp is designed to give your kid a great time as they engage in Ninja Warrior training, Nerf Wars, Capture the Flag, Team Building, Character building and more. Our coaches will train your students in the art of overcoming obstacles and working together to accomplish group goals. Jungle Gym trains and enforces Honoring each other. Jungle Gym Camp focuses on Jungle Gym’s 5 main qualities: Honor, Integrity, Responsibility, Perseverance, and Courage Each Trait will include a practical application as well as feature both modern-day and historical role models and stories. While this is not an explicitly Christian-based component, please note that both Biblical principles and Biblical historical figures will be incorporated.
Drop off between 8:30-9a /pick up promptly before 4:30p Lunch/Snacks Please pack a nutritious lunch for your ninja. As the training is rigorous, NO Soda, Sugary Beverages or Candy is admitted into Jungle Gym. Purified water is available for water bottle refill. There are no refunds for camp.
Members $275 / Non-Members $325
Member 3 Week Package $750 / Non-Member 3 Week Package $875 - Contact us for this deal.
There is no sibling discount for camp. Cancelation/Refund Policy:
Cancellations must be made up to one week out of your selected camp date in order to receive a full refund. A 50% refund can be issued if you cancel within the week prior. No refunds or credits will be given cancelling the day of.
Untamed Community Night
Community Night is back! Join us Friday, April 14th at 6:00 for a night of good food, and even better company. This event is free, so bring a friend or two! It’s an amazing opportunity to check out the gym and see what we have to offer.
It is pot luck style - we will be providing some food, but we encourage you to bring a dish as well!
Additionally, we will be refreshing our leaderboard for the next quarter. So if you’re looking to get a workout in or try to hit one of our challenges, you’ll definitely be able to build up an appetite. 😉
Spring Break Camp
A week of Ninja Training, Team Building, Character Building, Games, Parkour and a ton of fun!
Campers will be separated by age. Students may be moved to another age group depending on their skill, maturity level and ability to interact with other students. We reserve the right to send kids home who will not listen to coaches or get along with other students. If your student has trouble listening or respecting others, Jungle Gym camp probably won’t be a good fit for them.
OVERVIEW: Jungle Gym Camp is designed to give your kid a great time as they engage in Ninja Warrior training, Nerf Wars, Capture the Flag, Team Building, Character building and more. Our coaches will train your students in the art of overcoming obstacles and working together to accomplish group goals. Jungle Gym trains and enforces Honoring each other. Jungle Gym Camp focuses on Jungle Gym’s 5 main qualities: Honor, Integrity, Responsibility, Perseverance, and Courage Each Trait will include a practical application as well as feature both modern-day and historical role models and stories. While this is not an explicitly Christian-based component, please note that both Biblical principles and Biblical historical figures will be incorporated.
Drop off between 8:30-9a /pick up promptly before 4:30p Lunch/Snacks Please pack a nutritious lunch for your ninja. As the training is rigorous, NO Soda, Sugary Beverages or Candy is admitted into Jungle Gym. Purified water is available for water bottle refill. There are no refunds for camp.
Members $250 / Non-Members $300 (There is no sibling discount for camp.)
Date: March 13, 2023

WNL Kids Ninja Competition
Ninja Sport Championship Qualifier
Top 4 Men and Women earn a spot in the Championship Event, on February 18-19, at Rock Solid Warrior!

NSC Adult Competition
Come out to Jungle Gym to take part in the Ninja Sport Championship Qualifier! Top 4 Men and Women earn a spot in the Championship Event, on February 18-19, at Rock Solid Warrior!

Kids Winter Camp 2023
An action-packed schedule consisting of everything Ninja, Parkour, Team building, Nerf Wars, and more! Ages 6-12, 9am-4pm
Click the link for more information.